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Morning Oregonian (Portland, Oregon) September 14, 1908, Page 6.
These newspapers have been preserved and archived by Historic Oregon Newspapers

Chauncey Goodnoe Obituary

The Late Chauncey Goodnoe
GOLDENDALE, Wash., Sept. 13.

(Special.) Chauncey Goodnoe, who died at his farm in the Goodnoe Hills, September 2, was one of the pioneer settlers of the Klickitat Valley. He was born in Broome County, New York, in 1841. He came to California in 1661. and settled In the Klickitat Valley In 1865.

Mr. Goodnoe took an active interest In the development of the country, and his main ambition during the later years of his life was to live to see the completion of the North Bank road. He is survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Mabel Andrews, of Wasco, Or., and Mrs. Edythe Bunn. of Portland. Or.