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(Note: All of these items are from various publishings of The Goldendale Sentinel.
The hope is that the dissemination of information will spur further research on Klickitat County families. – Ellen Rowley)

The Goldendale Sentinel, Vol. XLIX No. 22
May 31, 1928, Page 8

Local Happenings

Hermann Abeling was taken Tuesday night to the hospital at The Dalles, suffering from strangulated hernia. An operation was immediately performed and Hermann is getting along as well as can be expected.
[Although this is the entire tidbit of news, be sure to read the original on Small Town News Hermann Abeling. Item is located in Column 2, Mid-Page.]
The Goldendale Sentinel Vol. XLIX No. 51
December 20, 1928, Page 1

4-H Club Achievement Meeting Saturday

Hermann Abeling, who has been in club work eleven years, and has been assistant leader since last year, was awarded a gold leadership pin by the Extension Service of Pullman. The achievement pins were furnished through the courtesy of the two local banks.
[Although this is the entire tidbit of news, be sure to read the original on Small Town News Hermann Abeling Item is located in Column 4, Mid-Page]
The Goldendale Sentinel Vol. 56. No. 43
October 24, 1935, Page 6

Abeling Wins Ribbon at International Show

At the Pacific International Livestock Exposition this year, there was by far the largest and best showing of Shorthorn cattle ever seen at Portland. Over 120,000 people attended the show and the receipts exceeded $80,000... Hermann W. Abeling, manager of the Cacama Stock Ranch, had the only exhibit from Klickitat county...
[Continue Reading at Small Town News Abeling Wins Ribbon Column 2]
The Goldendale Sentinel Vol. XLIX No. 24
June 14, 1928, Page 6

Local Happenings

Hermann Abeling will be brought home from The Dalles the latter part of the week after spending nearly three weeks in the hospital.
[Although this is the entire tidbit of news, be sure to read the original on Small Town News Hermann Abeling. Item is located in Column 2.]

The Goldendale Sentinel Vol. XLIX No. 51
December 20, 1928, Page 3

Local News

Hermann W. Abeling has received one of the $10 prizes offered by the Farm Journal, published in Philadelphia, in their annual national leadership contest for 4-H club leaders, who have also been club members. Hermann was the only Washington club member to receive a prize. Edgar Grimes, the Oregon boy who received the Moses Trophy this year, was also awarded a $10 prize in the Farm Journal contest. They were the only club members west of the Rockies to receive prizes.
[Although this is the entire tidbit of news, be sure to read the original on Small Town News Hermann W. Abeling Column 1]
The Goldendale Sentinel Vol. 66. No. 20
May 17, 1945, Page 1

Herman W. Abeling Memorial To Be Established Here

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Abeling have announced the establishment of the Herman W. Abeling Memorial. The purpose of the Memorial is to establish a Foundation for future Shorthorn herds in Klickitat County. It is a Memorial to their son who was active in 4-H club work in Klickitat County in 1917. He was a member and leader for the following 21 years. He won the State Trip to Washington, D.C. but illness prevented him from taking the trip...
[Continue Reading at Small Town News Mr. and Mrs. Edward Abeling Column 3]
The Goldendale Sentinel Vol. XLIX No. 44
November 1, 1928, Page 1

Klickitat County Boys to Attend Livestock Show

Some of the boys belonging to the Junior Livestocck Breeders' Association, the local 4H club, are leaving Friday morning with a carload of livestock for the Pacific International Livestock Exposition, at Portland. The boys sending livestock are Charles Coffield, Walter Hamilton and Hermann Abeling, and they are exhibiting Shorthorn cattle, hogs and sheep. They are exhibiting in the open classes and in the club classes. In addition to competing for the regular prizes, the boys will compete for some special prizes offered to club members only...
[Continue Reading at Small Town News Klickitat County Boys Mid-page, right side]