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The Franklin Recorder

January 1897

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8 JANUARY 1897


John Groves in town this week.

Ed Timmerman down from the ferry.

Mr. Coffey, night switchman, dislocated his ankle.

V.D. Maddoche of Seattle, sheep buyer, left for Oregon.

Miss Lottie Lum of Kennewick in town.

Mr. Wiltfong of Lake Station in town.

Mrs. Al. Gray recovering from illness.

Mrs. Conway of Kennewick visiting Mrs. J. Buckley and Mrs. Mansfield.

J.I. Yeand and wife stopped in Pasco on way to Olympia.

W.H. Rudd of Seattle on way to Walla Walla.

Conductor Dykeman of Spokane has taken C.P. Hunt’s place on the Wallula run.

Robert Lewellen of Athel ID visiting his sister, Mrs. Al. Low.

Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood of Kennewick visited office.

Prof. Ingalls called at office.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Gordon and her sister, Miss Dix of Spokane, visiting here with relatives.

C.P. Hunt to Spokane to become conductor of Palouce branch.

A.P. Gray drew the crazy quilt raffled off at his store by Mrs. Spates.

R. Gerry to Olympia as Franklin’s representative to legislature.

A.G. Lloyd, register of Walla Walla land office, in Pasco on way to Olympia.

D.W. Owens of Kennewick in town.

Fred Stranger, brakeman on the Wallula, has moved family from Sprague to the Bitner residence.

Geo. M. Jenkins, school superintendent of Kittitas Co., in town.

A. Granger, sheep man from Fishhook, in town to get load of lumber.

Frank Emigh of Kennewick in town.


Mr. Soggie intends to return to North Dakota “from when he came.”

Neil Blue and wife will move to Whatcom.

George Bowen has purchased Steve Gardner house and lot and new store.

Hugh Tennant of Pasco has purchased the Soggie property.


Mrs. John Doak, mother of Mrs. Sam Ash, “had a sinking spell New Year’s Eve.”

Mrs. Wm. Johnson visiting friends in Spokane.

H.B. Thrasher and John Nelson improving slowly.

“E.A. Linn would like a housekeeper, no objection to a young woman.”

Rev Wm. Davis in city over Sunday.


Timmerman, Grose, Lay and Clerk Brown present. T.B. Smith rejected as sheep commissioner, since law did not provide for one.

W.L. Pike appointed supervisor for road district 1, John Norling for 2 and J.W. Barry for 3.

Bonds of Prosecuting Attorney R. Olney, County Assessor Fred Kurtzman and County Auditor C.S. O’Brien approved.

Bonds of Mrs. E.G. O’Keefe, school superintendent, and W.B. Gray, sheriff, approved.

P.C. Ellsworth retained as council to assist county attorney in case of county vs. N.P. Railroad.

15 JANUARY 1897


Mrs. H. Gantenbein sick.

Charlie Cock called at office.

Dr. Bittner and family to Sprague to live.

Rufus Byers in town from S. Ainsworth.

Mr. and Mrs. Sharpstein in town.

H.H. Holmes recovering.
G.A. Clark has moved into residence purchased from A.S. Brown.

Capt. Lyons and F.H. Madison in town.

A.A. Batcheller brought in weather report.

A.P. Gray has moved family residence across street from his store.

Adrian Brown and family moved to New Whatcom.

J. Edgar Jones, “formerly a Pasco boomer, has his headquarters in the Rookery, Chicago.”

Mrs. A.L. Anderson of Lake visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. Bradshaw.

George Seeley, formerly of Pasco, reported dangerously ill at Ellensburg.

“Mr. Simonton will take charge of the Columbia River bridges as Mr. Roberson has been removed.”

Treasurer’s safe moved from Fred Kertzman’s office to office of Dr. Haynie.

Mrs. Rosencrance and daughter Altha of Lower Yakima in town.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barker returned from Portland – visiting their parents.

Ed Dean will move his family to the Snake River bridge, where he will be bridge watchman.

Fred Wehmeyer has started a store building “joining Wong How’s lot on the corner of Tacoma Ave. and Clark Street.”

J.C. Peterman, brakeman on Wallula run, died 10 Jan. “at Massoula hospital.”


Chas. Span took trip to Ellensburg.

Engineer Williams resting up “for the spring work.”

Hugh Blakney to the Dalles to spend a few days with his mother.

“One of H.B. Thresher’s twins age three years and six month died of pneumonia on the 12th at 7 a.m.”

Mrs. Benton of Pasco “made a professional visit to our town.”

Sam Ash had accident with delivery wagon – one horse had to be killed.

Frank Merchant to California for the winter.

Mr. Martin and Miss Evans of Snake River attended “the literary.”

County Supt. Ed Brunton visited the school.

Miss Ella Davis commenced school in the new district “between here and Snake River.”

29 JANUARY 1897


Judge Olney growing worse.

John Toles called at office.

Dr. A.W. Calder and family visiting Mr. and Mrs. Koontz.

N. Thusen has moved his family into house vacated by A. Byers.

C.A. Porter, wife and mother-in-law to Centralia to visit relatives.

Mrs. K. McIntyre “seems to be getting most of the traveling trade. Her register book filling up fast.”

Geo. Borden of White Bluffs guest of W.J. Pitt.

E. Norling called at office.

Judge Olney – la Grippe – earlier item was “as we go to press.”

Miss Willetta Gray, visiting Mrs. Wilkens, confined to bed with spinal trouble.

Mr. Crome of Portland called.

H.N. Benton, shot in fall hunting accident, improving.

Chas Cock “left one day this week for North Yakima, leaving John Walters in charge. He departed so quietly that his creditors became alarmed and closed out his oyster parlor yesterday in a giffy.”

Mr. Helsome improing.

H.H. Holmes quitting business as a “tonsorial artist” because of poor health.

Attending the social hop given at the ferry by Ed Timmerman were Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman, Ed Timmerman and wife, Mr. Rosencranse and family, Mr. Clements and wife, Mr. Cadman and wife, Jack Swindler and wife, Miss Olive Strump, Misses Dodsons, Miss Jessie McGlothlin, Henry and Fred Schunnamann, Fred Spates, Norbert Sylvester, Ben Farley, Charley Cock, Mr. Norling and sisters, Billy Pearson. Music by Prof. C.L. McGlothlin and Jack Hubrick. “The wind springing up caused the river to be so rough that the people from town were unable to return until the afternoon on Sunday. All were highly pleased and report the dance a grand success.”


Mrs. Flora McAlpin back from Oregan.

Mrs. Len Rolph and baby back from Walla Walla.

Agent Trout has just received his barouche from St. Paul.

Mrs. Bowers gives a social to members of Christian Endeavor.


School started Monday with Nelson Williams at teacher in District 48.

Jarvin Emigh and family back home.

C.E. Lum Sr. & Jr. and Frank Emigh attended fruit grower’s convention at North Yakima. Emigh to visit brother Ward in Ellensburg.

N.J. Potter back from North Yakima.

Mr. Rice and family move to country to prepare for spring work.

Miss Daisy Beach here visiting parents.

Taking part in Literary Society program: C.E. Lum, president; Fred Beach, N.J. Potter, Frank Potter, Irene Durk, Birtha Richards, harry Beach, Ed Emigh, May and Ray Rosencrance, Ben Strumpf, Burton Lum, Mr Seals, Rev. Lockwood. Lila White, treasurer, now in Seattle, “to be asked how much money is on hand.”


J. Van Camp to build glass hothouse.

Chas. Span has built a wood shed.

Dave Adams has repaired front gate.

“To the wife of Ed Temple on Jan 23, a son.”

Someone cut harness belong to the Griswold boys.

Taking part in Literary Society program: J.M. Davidson, Mike Cahill and Al Lowman.

Mrs. Axie Zine of Starbuck visiting in city.

Frank Martin and Family “visited the ‘Old Folks” on Snake River.”

Party at George Lewis farm.

Extractions from the Tri-City Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 25, No. 2, April-June 1985.

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