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The Franklin Recorder

April 9, 1897 - May 7, 1897

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9 APRIL 1897


Geo. King is sick.

Mr. Purdy to Spokane on visit.

HN Benton and wife to Spokane.

Miss Smith of Pendleton in town with nice line of millinery.

John Gross, Bill Hess and John Norling in town.

TC “Dad” Smith home on visit.

Mr. Campbell says Columbia River on the raise.

Mr. Wiltfong of Lake station in town for commissioners’ court.

P Eaton and family left for home in Coeur d’Alene.

CH. Miller has purchased horse and buggy of W.F. Edson.

Mr. Van Hooser, brakeman on Wallula run, moved his family to Wallula.

A. Byers sick; J.F. Buckley went out “on his run.”

J.H. Jobson returned from Spokane and will go to work in the yards.

“There will be a sparring match at the K.P. Hall between Alfred Buchanan and a colored turist. Admission 25 cents.”

Giles Plass has erected an awning over the sidewalk in front of his P.Q. cash stand.

Fred Stump has purchased dray team and wagon of J.P. Hubric and will do all kinds of delivering.

M.S. Eastman has opened photography gallery in store building formerly occupied by L.H. Koontz.

F.P. Speak will take trip to East.

Mrs. Schuneman and sons Fred and Lewis recovering from la grippe.

Dr. Haynie has enlarged a room in his drug store.

John Norling says Niel McArthur may move to quarter-section filed on by Lem Goodell.

Uncle Van Gorden visited office.

Mrs. Wehrle fainted at Mr. Blume’s tailor shop where she had just started work.

Mr. Benton not yet strong enough to work in the mines.

Jake Richardson, surveyor, left for government survey of land in Stephens Co. Crew: Arthur and David Richardson, Chas. Wild, and Bill Stout.

M.V. Harper in town from Coons’ Flat. Says Louie Use of Connell, lost while hunting rabbits, stopped at his place.


C.G. Green has discovered gold on Blue Creek. Company to develop the mine: Messrs Green, Merchant, Boyer, Isaacs and Bedell.


W. Shoalwater returned from working for N.P.R.R. at Satas.

S.P. Smalley sick, also “Mrs Smalley’s little baby.”

Mr. Sorgy left to work in East Dakota.

Mrs. J. Buckley and Mrs Maggie Mansfield visiting in Kennewick.

J. Hefty in bed with rheumatism.

Mr Scott and family leaving for Kiona.

Mrs Lockwood improving very slowly.

Bert Mills drove a carload of sheep to town.

Miss Daisy Beach’s school closes Friday.

N. Williams elected delegate to the church convention at Medical Lake.

C.P. Aune leaving soon.

Prof. Williams expected to leave after school is out.

J. Swindler purchased Mr Conway’s band of hogs.

Geo. Lee has stopped herding sheep for Mr Bowens.


Mr Scott and family and Mrs Williams and family moving to town.

Dan Goodwin’s wife gave birth to a boy last week.

“Mr Nelson Martin has taken to himself a helpmeet.”

W. Giezentanner and wife and Mrs Gerry and babies visiting relatives here.

Tom Giezentanner on trip to Sunnyside.

W.J. Pitt in town.

16 APRIL 1897


C.H. Miller renovating his residence.

Mr Bloom, tailor, to Spokane this week.

Mrs Spates has moved into J.D. McCarthy’s residence on Court St.

Mr Connors pruning shade trees around the court house.

W.H. Giezentanner and wife home from Kiona.

Mrs Kevil has moved to Kennewick “to hold down her homestead.” Mr Kevil batching.

Mrs McHugh called to Spokane to deathbed of “personal friend” Mrs Morris.

Mr Bradley, road master, taken sick while in Pasco.

Fred Kurtzman out in county, assessing.

Choir to practice at home of Mrs E.L. Wehmeyer. L.H. Koontz chosen chorister.

James Hamblin, Benson and Berge back from two-week trip up Columbia River; brought back 50 cords of wood.

A.P. Gray fell from ladder while painting Key Stone building.

Geo. King, fireman on the yard engine, slipped and injured face and nose.

Mrs. Brooks received notice of death of daughter, Mrs Davis of Milton.

R. Gerry, Mr Helsome, and Walter and Con Giezentanner in town after 200 miles down Snake River in a skiff. Mr Stine with them but visiting in Riparia and Walla Walla.

“Chief” Lerman to open Key Stone Saloon, recently occupied by E.H. Parkinson.

E.H. Parkinson taken sick when with Sheriff Gray at his Snake Rive farm.

O.P. Griffith knocked down while holding a wild horse for Isham Davis. Dragged against fence.


Harry Beach at old job again, herding sheep.

Mr Butler having some of his mutton sheep sheared.

Frank and Ed Emigh to Klickitat Co. to sell syrup.

Mr Martin leaving for John Day county.

M.W. Longabough to Seattle. Mr Ellison taking his place at the station.

J. Hefty improving slowly.

J.W. Dudley and family to Spokane.

C.R. Smith returns home.

C.E. Lum to Yakima City.


Mr Bauers managing the ditch.

George Finley has raised his house and added a porch.
Mr Scott and family have moved “up from Kennewick.”

Mrs J. Geizentanner almost helpless with rheumatism.

24 APRIL 1897


Marion Schneffer in town.

Mr Speck called at office.

Ben Parkinson returns from Walla Walla.

J.W. O’Keefe visiting in Pendleton.

W.B. Gray to his Snake River farm.

W.M. Longebaugh and bride in Pasco Monday.

R. Gerry, Walter and Con Giezentanner to Kiona.

O.P. Griffith recovering slowly.

Miss Olney taken to Walla Walla for surgery.

R. Gerry, W.B. Gray and W.H. Giezentanner to Walla Walla.

Willis Burge to plant apple orchard at his farm near Timmerman’s ferry.

Harry Chapman of Yakima in office.

Andrew Oleson strengthening foundation of court house.

Judge Olney home from Walla Walla.

Mr. Livesly to Blue Mountain, looking for gold.

E.H. Parkinson’s tonsils removed in Walla Walla.

John Norling, assessing in east part of county, reports 35,000 head of sheep.

Johny Buchanan discovered fire between R. Gerry’s shop and Buchanan’s Barber shop before it could do much damage.


Phil Durk returns home.

Mr Shoalwater’s health improving.

John Hefty’s health about the same.

Jim Dod visiting in Kiona.

C.E. Lum attending court at North Yakima.

Charlie Lum working on Mr Longebaugh’s house.

I.W. Dudley and family to Spokane to live.

Robert A. Smith now watchman at Columbia Hotel.

Miss Lottie Lum spent Saturday and Sunday with parents.

F. Aldrich of Goldendale visiting the sheep men.

Messrs Webber and Travis down from Horse Heaven.

Wedding of M.W. Longebaugh and Miss Lillian White at residence of her father J.H. White in Seattle Thursday.

30 APRIL 1897


R. Gerry in Walla Walla.

J.W. O’Keefe assessing rural districts.

Ed Coone of Cone’s Flats in town.

T.F. Sullivan visiting in Pendleton.

F.P. Speck home from Tacoma and Seattle.

Earl Bradshaw to Yakima as agent for W.J. Bryan’s book.

Isham Davis home from Walla Walla, where his wife is under doctor’s care.

Giles Pless sold his lunchroom to C.L. Harris.

Winfield Harper, formerly of Pasco, moving from Grangeville ID to Florence to work in the mines.

Mrs R.K. McIntyre has leased R. Gerry’s store and will operate lunch counter and restaurant.

Martha H. Poe, 47, died at Lake Station Saturday of influenza. Burial in Sandy Ridge, Clackamas Co. OR beside husband. Only remaining sister of L.J. Wiltfong. Survived by three children.


C.R. Smith spent Sunday with his family.

Sam Longabough visited Sunday.

C.E. Lum home from jury duty in North Yakima.

Miss Lila White visiting her sister, Mrs. MW. Longabough.

Frank Foster and William Martin and families on outing in East Oregon.

D.C. Mendenhall, formerly of Kennewick, appointed a guard at state penitentiary.

Johnson, Bowen and Brune to the mountains with their sheep.


E.E. Kelso down from North Yakima.

L. Lee home from Rattlesnake Country.

P.H. Lassaunde expected home from Portland.

Rose Ward of North Yakima visiting Mrs W.H. Webber.

Willis Mercer has started his sheep for Goldendale.

Geo. Finn and L.C. Rolph moved two bands of sheep to Yakima to be sheared.

S. Webber and family moving to Oregon.

C.O. Kelso’s wife has returned from Kiona.

Bott Travis and Lape in fracas involving a branding iron.


Mrs. Rosencrance visiting in Kiona.

J.P. Hubrick a visitor here.

Mr Burford of 1st National Bank of Walla Wall in the area.


Mrs Giezentanner’s health no better.

Mr Scott to British Columbia.

Mr Trout may go on a trip.

Mrs Allen of Seattle spending summer with Mrs Holstead.

D. McAlpin sold 100 tons of Alfalfa hay to sheep men.

Len Rolph running pack train to the mountains for some sheep men.

Clint Kelso of Horseheaven in town.

7 May 1897


T.F. Sullivan has returned to Pasco.

Earl Bradshaw home from Yakima.

C.A. Porter has rented J.P. Hubrick’s house.

Pa Dodson of Kennewick a visitor.

Ed. Corke of Strump Rapids on jury duty.

Mrs Dykeman a guest of Mrs Meeks.

W.J. Pitt and family moving to their Priest Rapids farm.

John Grose and John Norling in town from Poverty Flat.

J.P. Hubrick to be watchman on the dredge.

G.M. Coleman working at N.P. depot in Al Martin’s absence.

John Mulholland prospecting in Blue Mountains.

Mrs J.C. Helm and daughter visiting Mrs Pike of Strump’s Rapids.

Adrain Brown’s family recovering from mumps, according to his mother, Mrs W.H. Brown.

Geo. King taking Frank Hyde’s place this week as fireman on Wallula run.

Mr and Mrs Benton home from visit in Spokane.

Miss Annie McIntyre in So. Ainsworth to visit Miss Edna Byers.

Mrs W.E. Bradshaw and children visiting in Starbuck.

R.H. Gantenbein and wife of Walla Walla in town, he to visit court.

Mrs Corcoran was dangerously ill, but is recovering.

Al Martin to Switzler’s Island to get a pumping plant for his father’s Snake River farm.

Mrs J. Giezentanner to Walla Walla with throat trouble and rheumatism.

W.H. Giezentanner appointed engineer at state penitentiary.


Mrs D. Buchanan vs Franklin Co. – continued.

First National Bank of Walla Walla vs V.D. Lay et al – for plaintiff

Kurtzman vs Gantenbein – for defendant

Bane vs W.B. Gray, sheriff – for plaintiff


C.E. Lum and family moved to their homestead.

Mrs Saunderman very sick but is now better.

Mrs Garrahan over from Walla Walla.

Mrs J.H. Humphery of Lind visiting Mr and Mrs Lockwood.

Charles Conway has put up windmill.


Mr Scott to British Columbia.

R. Gerry to the Sound country.

Attorney Fred Parker of North Yakima tin town.

Dr Hedger attending Mrs J. Giezentanner, who is very sick.

Mr Kennedy of Lower Yakima has purchased one of the farms of W.C. Neil, formerly of Kennewick, now of Pennsylvania.

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