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Biographies and Oral Histories

The Works Projects Administration (WPA)

The Works Projects Administration (WPA) created a project to interview pioneers of Washington State [Federal Project Number 5841]. After conducting these interviews a three volume book set was published titled “Told by the Pioneers: Reminiscences of Pioneer Life in Washington”. The project was directed by Ernest N. Hutchinson and the books were published in 1937 and 1938. The following stories are oral histories of individuals from Franklin County found in these books.

Biographies from "Railroads, Reclamation And the River, A History of Pasco"

"Railroads, Reclamation And the River, A History of Pasco" was written by local historian Walter A. Oberst in 1978. This is the story of Franklin County's history. It was published and is copyrighted by the Franklin County Historical Society. It is with their permission that these biographies are here. See the Full Name Index of this book for more information and ordering instructions.

From Franklin Co. Historical Society Museum Archives

The following stories were located in the Franklin County Historical Society Museum archives. These are stories that are written about the author by the author. They give a fresh unedited perspective of how life appeared while living in early Franklin County.

More Oral Histories and Biographies

The biography for John Wallace Hays was generously contributed by Mark Hays.

From Judi's Genealogy

Judi's Genealogy has many Washington State Biographical Sketches transcribed from books published in 1904 by the Western Historical Publishing Company. Go directly to Judi's site or open the following biographies by clicking on the links below. The following are from "An Illustrated History of the Big Bend Country".

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