Following are donated letters, obituaries, histories, and other items of interest for our Clark Co. Washington families. If you have an obituary, any letters, or anything else you feel might be of interest to other researchers, please contact me at and let me know what you have.
Transcription of Letter From Andrew J. Brown to his son Edgar A. Brown, 1891.
Donated by Jill Brown , great-great granddaughter
vancoever Oct 9, 91
Dear son not having herd from Eny of you for a long time i would like to no how you all are geting along i rote to Laura some time Last Spring but got no anser i would like to no how you all are geting along Espesh aly Laura she said she was going to get a Devorse Did she get one and how is she geting along i am prety well now i have bin under the Docters care for over 2 monts i had a boil come on my nose and it made my head ache and sick all over but am nearly well a gane i had rather bad luck the bank busted where
i had my money and i Lost 40 Dolars i think i will get a part of it the president
and cashear both kild them selves i have got a Little saved up a gane and if Laura is badly in need of some i will send her a Little times are boming heare and so is prises of provision Egs 25 buter 30 potatoes 1 c lb onions 3 beaf stake 1 ___ and so (illegible) on i am backing with another man we have had a Dry sumer and a pleasant fall i will close hoping this wil find you all wel regards to all please rite soon Direct as before vacouever
AJ Brown
WILLIAM H. EVINGER, RESIDENT IN COUNTY 25 YEARS, WAS ONE OF CALIFORNIA'S "49'ERS"On December 4 He Would Have Celebrated the 65th Anniversary of His Wedding
William E.* Evinger, aged 87 years and 11 days, died November 24**, after a brief illness, at his home near Hall, in the northern part of Clarke
county. He was the oldest citizen in that community and highly respected by
everyone who knew him.
Mr. Evinger was born near Louisville, Kentucky, and when he was 10 years of age his parents emigrated to Illinois, settling near Westfield, where
December 4, 1845, he married Miss Amanda C. Mack, also a native of Kentucky and but four months his junior, who with seven of the 11 children born to them, survive him.
In 1849 the "gold fever" struck Mr. Evinger, and he crossed the plains by
ox team to California where he worked in the mines till 1852, when he returned to his home and family in Illinois and engaged in farming till 1876,
when he and family moved to California, where he took up a homestead in
Placer county. There he lived till 1885, when he traded his homestead "sight
unseen" for the place on Cedar creek on which he lived continuously till his
Had he lived till the coming 4th of December, he and his wife would have
celebrated their 65th wedding anniversay.
On his 87th birthday neighbors and friends to the number of forty or more
gave the old gentleman a surprise party.
Mr. Evinger was a strong republican from the organization of the party,
voting for John C. Fremont in 1856***, and walked three miles and back in
1908 to vote a straight republican ticket.
A large concourse of neighbors and friends were out at his funeral and
burial at the View cemetery.___________________________________
Amanda (Mack) Evinger
VIEW (1913)
There were two burials at the Mt. View cemetery last Sunday, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Rube Mead was buried at 12 o'clock. Grandma Evinger of Cedar Creek was buried at 1 o'clock, the funeral sermon being delivered by Rev. Mr. Dakin of the United Brethren church. Grandma Evinger had lived to the ripe old age of 89 years. The bereaved families have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood in their hour of sorrow.
Mr. Clutter of La Center attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Evinger.Note: *William's middle name was Harris which has been verified with his and Amanda's family bible. He was often enumerated simply as W. H. Evinger. This obituary and the remembrance card from his funeral erroneously give his middle initial as "E" and have been the only sources I've found this to be so.
**It states on his remembrance card from his funeral that he died Nov.
28th. (?)
***I couldn't read the last number of this year clearly enough to stand
by that numeral, but I believe it was a "6".
Contributed by Kathy Evinger
Bernice (Harmon) Hatch
Lacamas Post
Sat., Feb. 8, 1908
Camas, WAMrs. C. B. HATCH died at her home near LaCamas, January 28. She was formerly Bernice HARMON and was born in South Dakota, July 26, 1889. She was married to C. B. HATCH in March 1907. Besides her husband she leaves a father residing in this county, to mourn her loss, her mother having preceded her to the other worlds a number of years ago. Deceased was a member of the United Brethren church. Burial was in the Brush Prairie cemetery.
Adolph Stauffer
Lacamas Post
Saturday, Feb. 22, 1908
Camas, WA
Adolph Stauffer Drowned
Adolph STAUFFER, a logger, was drowned in Jackson creek, northeast of
Washougal, Saturday afternoon. While placing a block and tackle he fell into
the creek, striking some logs and being drawn beneath them by the strong
current. Fellow workmen who were a short distance away did not realize what had happened until they noticed that STAUFFER had disappeared.
STAUFFER was 26 years old and unmarried. The funeral was held Monday
afternoon, and internment was in the Sunnyside cemetery.__________________
The above obituaries were submitted by Holly Vonderohe, who has no connection to the above families. They were originally posted to the WACLARK-L mailing list.
All materials posted on this page are on loan to the USGenWeb Project. Copying for anything other than personal use is prohibited without the express written consent of the submitter.